Category | Nov 26 2019
How To Organize Your Home
Do you want to make your home tidy and organized at all times? Although most people have their personal preferences, below are 5 general tips from the decluttering pros that you can re-apply:
- Get rid of stuff you don't use - you can resell, donate or recycle. This will open up more space for items that are important to you and enable you organize your home more neatly
- Start small- with one closet in one room and then move onwards
- Categorize -before placing items in drawers or closets, decide on categorization, such as frequency of use, colour, size and similarity.
- Use boxes - for frequently used items use transparent boxes for easier identification. As a back-up option an old shoe box will do as well.
- Organize clothes by season: to save up space, put the ones you don't need into a vacuum bag
Organize with ZenOwn - while you are organizing your home, you can add your belongings into ZenOwn. This will enable you to have an overview of products and their documentation such as invoices or warranty cards without having to turn your home inside out. This will also enable you to easily track what are products that you are not using frequently or at all and can thus re-sell, donate or recycle.